WEBINAR: “The Economic Benefits of Building the Housing We Need” – The Welcome Home Westchester Campaign

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 | 6PM via Zoom

A few weeks ago, the Welcome Home Westchester Campaign released its first report, “The Economic Benefits of Building the Housing We Need.”

That paper reviewed data from national economic models, academic research, and local studies to describe in detail how building housing in communities sufficient to meet their needs brings with it short-term jobs, long-term jobs, an increase in revenue for local businesses, and a boost to property tax and school tax revenue. Far from an albatross, the paper concludes that housing is one of the most economy-boosting investments a city, town, or village can make.

Tim Foley, CEO of The Building & Realty Institute and one of the contributing authors to the paper, will guide you step by step through some of the report’s most important findings, and talk about what local cities, states, and villages should consider in order to start to fill the gap of 11,703 units of housing that the Westchester County Housing Need Assessment says that we need in order to meet present-day demand and continue to make Westchester a welcoming region for seniors, millennials, young families, essential workers, and all who want to live, work, and contribute to our community.

The full report, “The Economic Benefits of Building the Housing We Need,” is available at www.welcomehomewestchester.org


Posted in News & Events.